Thursday, January 27, 2011


So a few things have happened since last I posted. I have been invited to join Stitching Fingers an online yohoo group dedicated to textile arts. I'm going to swing over after this to set up my profile page!

The second I am most excited about. A friend of mine from work is attending a maquereade next thursday and I am making his mask. It is definatly going to be a challenge. The masquerade is at a goth club and did I mention my friend, Sam, happens to be a drummer in a death metal band? So it is gonna be dark.

Today Sam stepped in with all these design ideas which normally would have frustrated me. I like to go crazy creativly. However I was genuinly stuck and had no idea how to start. His ideas gave me a great jumping off point.

So to the left are all the goodies I picked up for the project. The blue fabric is the rough cut of the mask I cut to his face earlier today. It's hard to see in this picture but the card has 2 silver skull buttons on it and the shiny thread is a mettalic blue.

So this is a quick real size sketch of everything that will be on it. I'm sure I will add more as I stitch but this is the general idea. I am so excited because this is a small project that I will see an end result quickly. I love crazy quilting but I get so frustrated at how slow a process it is it actually deters me from stitching. This is the exact little boost I need to keep going.

Well I probably won't blog for a few days because I am attending a huge Model Train Show with my husband in Springfield, MA. I will be gone all weekend. Hopefully I will get some good stitching time in. Stitch and be happy!

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