So I decided to use the 22 count hardanger I bought for a needlework sampler. I am really excited to explore and try a bunch of new techniques. As you can see, I have started to outline the inside edge of the border in a quick black running stitch. I actually drew the entire sampler outline on a seperate piece of paper, but have decided to transfer the pattern a little at a time. I like to keep you guys guessing.
The first part as you can see is a heart. I have decided to try a blackwork pattern inside. It is reaally tiny since it is done on 22 count and taking a really long time to do. However I like the texturizing effect it creates. I will outline the heart in a running stitch and then a satin stitch over batting for a raised effect. Hopefully progress won't be too slow.
Also I would like to congratulate Thendral on being the third to comment on my blog. She is the winner of the ready-to-embellish heart. Until next time, stitch and be happy!
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