Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Mask Update

So I got quite alot done on the mask last night. First, Sam and I went to Michael's to pick up some extra stuff for it. I didn;t take pictures but I will show you as I go along. Most of it was stuff to be added as I put the mask together.

For this embellishment i used a piece of red lace a small scrap of the backround fabric and a novelty button. I am trying to get the black fabric to fray a bit more.

Here I did some more chain stitch in red.

I added more half buttonhole wheels and embellished them with a gold bead. The trim is going to be black and gold so I wanted to incorporate a bit more gold onto the mask.
The studs I actually found in scrapbooking but I thought the were perfect. The black square is a beade that I sewd on with gold thread over 4 detached chain stitches also in gold thread.

So now I'm going to add on a few more beads. Not sure what else, but I may start constructing the mask tonight so for once I'm ahead of schedule. Yay!

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