Monday, June 20, 2011

Fabric Giveaway Update

Hello everyone. I have had such a busy weekend cleaning every closet in my apartment out. It was a sorting nightmare. In fact I still have stuff covering my kitchen. Unfortunatly I haven't gone through my fabric yet. It is definatly high on my priority list of things to complete this week. I have had a huge response to people wanting the fabric. What I'm going to do is bundle the fabric into several small packages and then raffle them off so to speak. Keep a look out this week for pictures of each bundle. Then simply leave a comment and I will randomly pick someone as the winner. Hopefully I can have those pics up early but I do have a lot of fabric to go through.


Mosaic Magpie said...

This is a great idea, I need to do the same thing!

Frannie said...

I've never been on your blog before, so I had to scroll down and look at all the pictures and read. I am so not worthy. I'm just a humble beginner. LOL

I too, am house hunting. Sad that as a single person, I'm insisting on a three bedroom house because one room will have to be my craft rooom.

Can't wait for the pictures of the fabric giveaway. You are a very generous person.


Ladydy5 aka: Diane Yates said...

Very nice idea and this blognis so pretty.

Debbie S. said...

Thanks for offering this give away and Good Jobon cleaning out your closets.